Providing Safety-Net Services (& Beyond) For People In-Need In Our Community


Food Programs

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Community Support Systems operates two initiatives to help people in-need
get a variety of nutritious food.



2020 Mission Nutrition

The CSS Advocacy Program

>Helping people access essential resources and information, from the simple to the complex.

This includes:

    • Applying for the Maryland Energy Assistance Program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps), renew medical assistance benefits, the Lifeline Program for free wireless phones, and the Renters Tax Credit.
    • Provide resources for financial literacy, career guidance, resume development,  coaching and mentoring.
    • Help for families facing homelessness.


The CSS Assistance Fund Program

Financial assistance to pay for medications,
purchase fuel, keep the lights on, stay an eviction,
help with essential car repairs,
and the like.


The CSS Shared Senior Living Home

Safe, comfortable, affordable housing
in Brandywine, MD for independent seniors.
Rent is assessed based on income
and ranges from $200 to $400 per month.



Click here to download our brochure: CSS Brochure English 12.5.18